Akimoto Rin - 2009-09-16 22:45:20

test na to jakim seme bądź uke jesteś xD
z ciekawości rozwiązałam całkiem sporo tego typu quizów i zapewniam, że jest najlepszy (z tych, które znalazłam ;))
obecnym użytkownikom może spłatać figla w postaci szoku, a nowym pomoże wybrać alterego :D
ułatwi aranżację małżeństw w naszym mafijnym środowisku i -mam nadzieję- nie spowoduje rozwodów O.O


ja jestem ...Badass Uke >D

You are a Badass Uke!
Other uke admire you, some seme fear you. Despite your sometimes flaming appearance, you can even fool other people into thinking you are seme with your mischievous, manipulative attitude, but when push comes to shove, your true submissive nature emerges. It takes a seme with enough intensity to challenge you and keep you satisfied, and your perfect match, the Don't Fuck With Me Seme, knows that all that naughty teasing just means you want the punishment.
Most compatible with: Don't Fuck With Me Seme, Chibi Seme
Least compatible with: Sadistic Seme, Romantic Seme
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or find merchandise here

czyli szukam Don't Fuck With Me Seme lub Chibi Seme :D

ktoś chętny co by się podzielić wynikiem?

Nightallice - 2009-09-27 14:07:31

Zarąbiste :D :D

Wygląda na to, że jestem Chibi Seme :D :D

You are a Chibi Seme!
You are the seme in disguise. Able to fit in and get along with uke and seme alike, you are able to get close to the uke on their level before exerting your dominance. This makes you at times manipulative and able to fool others about your true seme nature. Because of your harmless appearance, it takes the flamboyantly gay Flaming Uke to match wits and really bring out your aggressive side to expose you for the seme that you are.

Most compatible with: Flaming Uke, Badass Uke
Least compatible with: Dramatic Uke

Genialne :D

Tiria - 2009-09-27 14:52:19

To wypełniał Iruka :D

You are an Innocent Uke!
Cute and sweet, and most gentle of all uke, whips and chains are not for you - you just want someone to love you. You are often spotted in candy shops wearing furry kitty ears, where you are sure to be noticed by the Romantic Seme, whose protective instincts will kick in and will only want to take you home and love and protect you. And you, of course, will be more than happy to spend the rest of your life baking cookies for your seme.
Most compatible with: Romantic Seme
Least compatible with: Sadistic Seme, Don't Fuck With Me Seme
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or find merchandise here.

A to Genma :D
You are a Don't Fuck With Me Seme!
Serious and to the point, and sometimes bordering on the sadistic, it takes a special breed of uke to satisfy your needs. You tend to be anti-social with little patience for most people. You need someone to challenge you and push you to your limits, and then be able to take your intense reactions, which possibly involves rope and sensual torture. This is what makes the Badass Uke the yin for your yang, as you're the only one able to put them in line and satisfy each other.
Most compatible with: Badass Uke
Least compatible with: Dramatic Uke, Innocent Uke, Clueless Uke
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or find merchandise here.

Chyba mam parannoję o.O

Zoe - 2009-10-01 01:54:26

Jestem ....Chibi Seme.......
ale dlaczego Chibi :zal:

Akimoto Rin - 2009-10-01 22:48:11

Zoe napisał:

Jestem ....Chibi Seme.......
ale dlaczego Chibi :zal:

to znaczy, że udajesz uke, żeby podejść i podstępem zdobyć swoją ofiarę >D czyż to nie fascynujące~? [głosem Alutki z Rodziny zastępczej] :haha:

Ansei - 2009-10-02 10:00:42

Dobiłyście mnie... ja też jestem Chibi Seme :wtf:
Co to za test? xD To takie dość... hmm... teraz nic, tylko się upic... :jabol: Złudzenia legły w gruzach...

Divalecorvo - 2009-10-03 18:05:20

Tia ja tam wyszlam na jakiegos sadistic seme a wszyscy wiedza ze jestem potulna jak baranek ;D
Sciema (]:->)

to znaczy, że udajesz uke, żeby podejść i podstępem zdobyć swoją ofiarę >D czyż to nie fascynujące~?

Nawet nie skomentuje. Zoe jak nic xDD

Ti, kim by byl Iruka i Genma to raczej sie domyslamy, moze zrobisz test sobie?

Nightallice - 2009-10-03 18:28:53

Cóż, Wujek, prawdy nie ukryjesz :P :P Przynajmniej nie przeze mnie się wydało. (Nie będzie kary... :wzdycha z ulgą: ) :P

Tiria - 2009-10-05 00:08:08

Divalecorvo napisał:

Ti, kim by byl Iruka i Genma to raczej sie domyslamy, moze zrobisz test sobie?

Div - ja i Iruka to praktycznie jedno i to samo ;) Genma to taki... wypadek przy pracy :whistle: :hehe:

Aubrey - 2009-10-06 18:53:06

You are a Sadistic Seme!
It takes a special kind of uke to appreciate the punishment you dish out. Making them beg for mercy is what you're all about. You give your uke the gift of pain, and the louder their moans are, the more satisfied with the relationship you'll be. It's no fun if they don't struggle, and struggle and torture is what the Dramatic Uke, your perfect match, lives for.
Most compatible with: Dramatic Uke
Least compatible with: Everyone else
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or find merchandise here.

Pytania? :bat: :lol:

Akame - 2009-10-06 19:56:20

You are a Chibi Seme!
You are the seme in disguise. Able to fit in and get along with uke and seme alike, you are able to get close to the uke on their level before exerting your dominance. This makes you at times manipulative and able to fool others about your true seme nature. Because of your harmless appearance, it takes the flamboyantly gay Flaming Uke to match wits and really bring out your aggressive side to expose you for the seme that you are. <br>
Most compatible with: Flaming Uke, Badass Uke
Least compatible with: Dramatic Uke
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or find merchandise here.

Eee...?? To jakaś pomyłka drodzy państwo! Zdecydowanie Fei jest seme... <patrzy zezem na Asamiego, a jego oczy mówią "Milcz jeżeli nie chcesz wojny yakuza kontra mafia O.o>

Asami uśmiecha się przebiegle.

Pandora - 2009-10-07 19:46:55

hmm, no ciekawe. Mi wyszedł pan gbur xD

You are a Don't Fuck With Me Seme!
Serious and to the point, and sometimes bordering on the sadistic, it takes a special breed of uke to satisfy your needs. You tend to be anti-social with little patience for most people. You need someone to challenge you and push you to your limits, and then be able to take your intense reactions, which possibly involves rope and sensual torture. This is what makes the Badass Uke the yin for your yang, as you're both able to keep each other in line and satisfy each other.

Akimoto Rin - 2009-10-08 19:26:27

omg... Au... i jak tu się Ciebie nie bać?!

Feya - 2009-10-09 14:32:36

You are a Don't Fuck With Me Seme!
Serious and to the point, and sometimes bordering on the sadistic, it takes a special breed of uke to satisfy your needs. You tend to be anti-social with little patience for most people. You need someone to challenge you and push you to your limits, and then be able to take your intense reactions, which possibly involves rope and sensual torture. This is what makes the Badass Uke the yin for your yang, as you're the only one able to put them in line and satisfy each other.
Most compatible with: Badass Uke
Least compatible with: Dramatic Uke, Innocent Uke, Clueless Uke
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or find merchandise here

Dobra, można się o mnie bać XD

Pandora - 2009-10-12 21:31:51

no i jak mnie bać? bać to się Aubrey należy :D nas : don't fuck with me seme - kilku tu jest, za to pasujących Badass Uke nie wielu ^^

Akimoto Rin - 2009-10-15 20:03:12

no napisałam, że Aubrey ;) jeez... no bo jak tu... *powtarzasz się* no bo~!
ekhem... jakiś Don't Fuck With Me szuka może Badasska? :dance:

Pandora - 2009-10-17 02:04:36

znam jednego takiego co szuka :) ale to chyba nie aktualne przy Aubrey *ukłoniki*

Aubrey - 2009-11-07 20:43:44

Hehe Sadistic to jest Asami, a ja wybierałam pod niego odpowiedzi, gdy nie byłam w stanie wybrać nic pod siebie. Niemniej z natury jestem raczej Don't Fuck With Me ;)
Ale jak sama nazwa wskazuje - czy sadistic, czy don't fuck with me - bójcie się :yakuza:

Pandora - 2009-11-11 00:45:56

nieukrywany uśmiech

Maja_iluzja - 2010-02-15 23:21:08

haaaaaa :D You are a Chibi Seme! 

Świetne :lol:

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